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  BUSINESS ETHICS: Concepts & Cases

Business Ethics: Concepts & Cases

by Velasquez Manuel G.

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  This book is one of the most widely used textbooks on business ethics because of its accessible style and lucid explanations of complex theories and concepts. The text provides clear explanations of ideas without oversimplifying them. The primary aim of the text is:  to introduce the reader to the ethical concepts that are relevant to resolving moral issues in business;  to impart the reasoning and analytical skills needed to apply ethical concepts to business decisions;  to identify the moral issues involved in the management of specific problem areas in business;  to provide an understanding of the social, technological, and natural environments within which moral issues in business arise; and  to supply case studies of actual moral dilemmas faced by businesses and business people. This new edition incorporates a number of valuable and exciting pedagogical devices including: ƒSix new and seven updated end-of-chapter cases ƒTwelve completely new On the Edge short cases and six updated short cases in the body of the chapters ƒEight newly illustrated short cases ƒNew graphs and charts, pictures, and other visual materials ƒStudy questions at the beginning of each chapter ƒDefinitions of key terms in the margins and in the glossary ƒSummaries in the margins of all the basic ideas discussed in the text ƒUp-to-date statistics and data in all chapters ƒEnd-of-chapter web resources


Part OneƒBasic Principles

1. Ethics and Business
2. Ethical Principles in Business

Part TwoƒThe Market and Business

3. The Business System: Government, Markets, and International Trade
4. Ethics in the Marketplace

Part ThreeƒBusiness and Its External Exchanges: Ecology and Consumers

5. Ethics and the Environment
6. The Ethics of Consumer Production and Marketing

Part FourƒEthics and Employees

7. The Ethics of Job Discrimination
8. Ethics and the Employee
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Index ISBN 9788120346475

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