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  Agnihotra : Studies in Indic Traditions (Prof. Prabhu Dayalu Agnihotri Felicitation Vol.)

Agnihotra : Studies In Indic Traditions (Prof. Prabhu Dayalu Agnihotri Felicitation Vol.)

by K. K. Chaturvedi , R. K. Sharma And \Ngautam Bhai Patel

  Price : Rs 1750.00
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  About the Book
The first six volumes on the ethnic history of Bastar, which were subtitled Social History of Chhattisgarh (1985), Lanka ki Khoj (1977), Prachina Baster (1978), Adivasi Samantavad (1987), Tribal History (1988), and Bhumkal (1991) give a comrehensive survey of the life journey of the primitive people in the Chakrakota Mandala which is now called Baster in Middle India. These volumes probe into the social, economic and political life of the people who are now called Adivasis, right from the Middle stone Age (25000 B.C.) to the 1777 A.D.
The present volume is an extension of the previous volume. It describes the further changes which took place within the womb of the tribal communities of Bastar. it covers a period ranging from 1777 to 1947 of about two centuries.
About the Author
Dr. Krishna Kant Chaturvedi Ex. Director, Kalidas Academy, Ujjain, was Professor and Head in the Departemnt of Post graduate Studies and Research in Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit, Rani Durgavati, University, Jabalpur from where he retired in 1997. In the University he wad Dean, Faculty of Arts, dean, Faculty of Oriental Learning, ember, Executive Council, Director Raj Shekhar Acadmy etc.

Section I: Life and Achievements
Section B: Research Papers
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