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  Tantraraja Tantra.

Tantraraja Tantra.

by M. L. Shastri

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 637.50
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  Tantraraja in 36 chapters each of 100 shlokas or verses, is a beautifully written and deep work which deals with the Kadi mantra associated with the Shri Vidya tradition. The text Woodroffe published also has an outstanding commentary in Sanskrit which shows the relationship between the Devi, or Goddess, in her form as Lalita, with time and space.

Arthur Avalon has by his learned edition of TA ntrik texts in both Sanskrit and English, indeed rendered and eminent service to the case of Sanskrit literature. The Tantras have hitherto been a sealed book to many and this attempt to produce in lucid and eloquent English the main principles of the cult cannot fail to elicit admiration from all lovers of the sacred literature of this country ¦admirable introduction. “ MahA mahopA dhyA ya Satish Chandra VidyA bhA¹shana in the.ISBN: 8177559302

Pages : 848
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