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  Berry & Kohn`s Operating Room Technique

Berry & Kohn`S Operating Room Technique

by Nancymarie Phillips

  Price : Rs 1475.00
  Your Price : Rs 1253.75
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  ook Summary of Berry & Kohn`s Operating Room Technique
Berry & Kohns Operating Room Technique has been the text of choice for understanding basic surgical principles and techniques for more than 50 years. Highly readable, accurate, and comprehensive, it covers the "nuts and bolts" of surgical techniques in a format that makes it easy to effectively apply basic principles to clinical practice. Expert author Nancymarie Phillips emphasizes the importance of teamwork throughout, with practical strategies and examples of how cooperation among perioperative caregivers contributes to positive patient care outcomes.

Special Features

Detailed coverage presents the fundamentals of perioperative nursing and surgical technology roles.
A strong focus on the physiological, psychological, and spiritual considerations of perioperative patients gives you the knowledge you need to plan and implement comprehensive, individualized care.
Discussions of perioperative patient care for both inpatient and ambulatory procedures highlights key considerations for each setting, as well as for individual surgical procedures.
In-depth discussions of patients with special needs related to age or health status helps you learn to develop of a plan of care tailored to the unique care parameters of all patients
Helpful features such as chapter outlines with page numbers, chapter objectives, and key terms and definitions help you quickly find important information and focus your study time. ISBN

Pages : 1038
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