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  Nuclear Pakistan

Nuclear Pakistan

by Dr Shalini Chawla

  Price : Rs 1050.00
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  Pakistan has relied for more than a quarter century on its nuclear weapons to conduct its strategy against India. The military’s grand strategy has rested on maintaining the centrality of the covert war (war through terrorism) strategy. Pakistan’s acquisition of nuclear weapons has been rationalised as a deterrent to Indian conventional military superiority which, its Foreign Minister had once stated, hangs like the Sword of Damocles over Pakistan’s head. In turn, this was used as an umbrella under which to pursue a proxy war through terrorism. Nuclear weapons have been perceived as a shield to deter an Indian aggression which possibly could be prompted in response to the provocative (sustained and/or high profile) terrorism being conducted from the Pakistani soil, sponsored by the state actors. Pakistan’s reliance on nuclear weapons has also grown much more with its growing instability and rising threat of failure of the state.

After the overt nuclearisation in 1998, Pakistan has continued to expand its nuclear arsenal, along with the delivery systems. Presently, it has the fastest-growing stockpile in the world and it is estimated that in 2011, Pakistan had a nuclear weapons stockpile of 90-110 nuclear warheads. Pakistan’s delivery systems, which include fourth generation combat aircraft, ballistic missiles with extended range, and cruise missiles, have grown at an exponential pace. This book attempts to contribute to a better understanding of Pakistan’s nuclear doctrine and strategy. It seeks to evaluate the current status, and the future, of Pakistan’s rapidly expanding arsenal and provides an insightful reading for the professional as well as the layman.


Pakistan’s Nuclear Programme: The Build-up • The Nuclear Bazaar: Exports to Iran, North Korea and Libya • China-Pakistan Strategic Nexus: Strengthening the Conventional and Nuclear Capability • Nuclear Delivery Systems • Nuclear Doctrine and Strategy • Nuclear Command and Control: Safety and Security of the Nuclear Arsenal • Future of Pakistan’s Nuclear Strategy

ISBN - 9789381904251

Pages : 218
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