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  Signals and Systems,1/e

Signals And Systems,1/E

by Rao P R

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 355.50
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  Designed for the undergraduate course on Signals and Systems, thsi text covers Continuous-time and Discrete-time signals and systems in detail. Crisp and concise theory, plethora of numerical problems and MATLAB exercises make this book a unique offering for teachers and students alike.
Key Features:

Integrated coverage of Continuous-Time and rete-Time Signals & Systems.
Separate chapter on Fourier Representation of Discrete-Time Signals covering DTFT (Discrete-time Fourier transform), DFS (Discrete Fourier series), DFT (Discrete Fourier transform) and FFT (Fast Fourier transform). (Ch -5)
Separate chapter on Hilbert Transforms and its applications.(Ch -11)
Chapterwise MATLAB examples and exercises present.
About the Author:

P Rao
P Ramakrishna Rao obtained his BE (Telecommunications) degree from Madras University, his ME degree
from IISC, Bangalore, and his PhD from IIT, Kanpur.
He retired as Professor from REC (now NIT) Trichy, and has over 45 years of teaching and 25 years of research experience. At REC, Trichy, he had carried out several
DOE and DRDO-funded research projects. He has over 25 research publications in reputed international journals and proceedings of international conferences. He was a
member of the National Radar Council?s Working Group on Sonar and Underwater Electronics from 1987 to 1993. He was also the recipient of the `Academic Excellence
Award? at REC, Trichy, in 1997. Apart from this, he was a reviewer for IEEE Trans. on ASSP and IEE Part-F. His areas of research interest include Array Signal Processing and
Digital Communications.
He is presently Director, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, (ANITS),Visakhapatnam
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