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  The Brahma Sutras

The Brahma Sutras

by S. Tattvabhusan

  Price : Rs 245.00
  Your Price : Rs 208.25
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  The Brahma Sutras, called also the Vedanta Sutras, the Sarika Mimansa, the Uttara Mimansa, and by several other names, are a body of aphorisms expounded and systematizing the teachings of the Upanishads and refuting doctrines opposed to them. They are the earliest known work on the subject and are ascribed to Badarayana, the compiler of the Vedas. As such they are held in high esteem by all the chief schools of Hindu religious thought. Most of the leading saints and propounders of Hindu philosophical systems have written commentaries on them, including Sankaracharya, Ramanuja, Madhva, Nimbaraka, Ballabha and Baladeva.

These Sutras have exerted profound influence on the religious and philosophical thought of Indians and have given rise to a vast literature. As such it deserves the attention, reverent and at the same time critical study, by the scholars as well as common people.ISBN- 9788129201430

Pages : 216
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