ISBN A work by health and development experts and professionals, this well-researched compilation traces the evolving and highly dynamic nature of HIV/AIDS and its unprecedented health and development threat in Asia. Three decades of HIV/AIDS in Asia studies how the region has responded to this epidemic in the last three decades. It contains country-specific chapters on the HIV/AIDS problem--low-prevalence countries such as Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as well as countries with advanced epidemics such as Cambodia, China, India, Pakistan, Thailand and Vietnam--and the evolving response to it. Read More...ISBN A work by health and development experts and professionals, this well-researched compilation traces the evolving and highly dynamic nature of HIV/AIDS and its unprecedented health and development threat in Asia. Three decades of HIV/AIDS in Asia studies how the region has responded to this epidemic in the last three decades. It contains country-specific chapters on the HIV/AIDS problem--low-prevalence countries such as Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as well as countries with advanced epidemics such as Cambodia, China, India, Pakistan, Thailand and Vietnam--and the evolving response to it. Read More...ISBN 9788132109075