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  Images of Varahi : An Iconographic Study

Images Of Varahi : An Iconographic Study

by Haripriya Rangarajan

  Price : Rs 1750.00
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  The focus of this book is on goddess Varahi who is the atmasakti of Varaha responsible for lifting up the earth goddess from thenetherregion. In Images Of Varahi the author presents in great detail the various aspects ofVarahi including the iconographic features of the different forms as well asmantras and yantras associated with the worship of Varahi. The detailedinformation provided in the book is based on the ancient texts, Puranas andSilpa-sastras. It deals with the antiquity anddevelopment of the worship of mother goddess in the pre-Vedic and the Vedicperiods and brings out the evolution of the identification of three femaledeities Vak, Saraswati and Varahi and their fusion and synchronization into one.It also narrates the important position Varahi occupies in Vaisnavism, Saktismand Tantric Saktism. The book presents the canonical rules prescribed in Silpasastras with regard to the various forms of Vrahi and deals with the iconsof Varahi found in temples, caves and other places in India. Some of the images keepin the museums in India and abroad have also been described. The special features of this book lies in presenting largenumber of collection of the images of Varahi found from different parts of thecountry. ISBN: 8188934011

Pages : 234
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