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  Global Strategic Management

Global Strategic Management

by Frynas , Finlay Mellahi

  Price : Rs 410.00
  Your Price : Rs 369.00
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  Global Strategic Management is a core textbook for almost any International and Global Strategy course, and is suitable as a supplementary text for any Strategic Management or International Business courses.

This brand new text is the first to offer a truly global, as opposed to multinational, perspective on strategy. It covers both traditional strategic management topics and new topics, such as corporate social responsibility and new technologies. Global Strategic Management gives the student a thorough understanding of the wide range of theories and research available in this field, while providing both mini-cases and full-length cases of successful global companies from the United States, Europe and emerging economies, such as India. As well as providing comprehensive pedagogical features, the text is accompanied by a companion web site, which includes a lecturer area with model answers to discussion questions and case questions, and Powerpoint slides, and a student area with links to web sites of interest.

Pages : 416
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