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  Indian Tradition-Its Continuity

Indian Tradition-Its Continuity

by Ramaranjan Mukherji

  Price : Rs 400.00
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  It is rather difficult to identify `Indian ness` which constitutes the salient trait of Indian Culture and Indian Tradition. The Book `Indian Tradition : Its Continuity makes a modest attempt to identify this `Indianness` and in its search after the same,it arrives at spirituality and the concept of solidarity of the universe,as also at the basic proposition that the Real is incapable of being fragmented into parts. In its five chapters,the Book tries to identify the significant tissues in the magnificent fabric okf Indian Xculture and to show how the concept of solidarity of the universe and divinity of the man appear and reapperan in different systems of Indian Phil,osophy and diverse types of Religion. It also maes a modest attempt to show how the Indian view of accepting the Absolute as unfragmentable expresses itself in the speculation of Indian Grammar,which describes the real significant unit as an unanalysable whole. It further shows how the same spirit of spirituality continues in all forms and exercises of Literary Art, belonging both to the ancient and Modern scenario.
The book,thus,represents an exercise to analyse the diverse forms through which Indian Culture has expressed itself with the ultimate objective of eastablishing the fact that spirituality constitutes the vital life-sap of the Indian tree of civilization.
About Author :
Aretired professor of Sanskrit,Jadavpur University,a former Vice-Chancellor of the universities of Burdwan and Rabindra Bharati,Calcutta, a past President of the Association of Indian Universities,Professor Ramaranjan Mukherji is presently the Chancellor of Tirupati Rastriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha (Deemed University), an Emeritus Fellow of the Department of Culture,Ministry of Human Resource Development,Government of India,and a Senior, Calcutta.
A Widely travelled exponent of Indian Culture,Professor Mukherji has delivered lectures in a number of Universities abroad and has led many Indian Cultural Delegations,including one delegation to China.
A Regular contributor to Indological studies,Professor Mukherji has to his credit a number of articles and books,including "An Analysis of Aesthetic Experience (in Bengali)", Literary Criticism in Ancient India", "Imagery in Poetry: An Indian Approach" "Comparative Aestherics: Indian & Western".
Professor Mukherji whok has won many laurels,including Honoris Causa Doctorate degrees,happens to be the recipient of the Certificate of Honour from the President of India in recognition of his contribution to Sanskrit studies.
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