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  How Google Tests Software -

How Google Tests Software -

by James Whittaker , Jason Arbon , Jeff Carollo

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 205.00
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  Testing at Google Scale

Hundreds of millions of lines of code distributed across millions of source files. Billions of build actions prompting millions of automated tests daily. Hundreds of thousands of browser instances daily. Apps released continuously into production for massive worldwide use. Ladies and gents, software testing doesnt get any harder than this. To get it right, Google is pioneering the future of testing and automation.

Pioneering the Future of Software Test

Do you need to get it right, too? Then, learn from Google. Legendary Google testing leader James Whittaker and two top Google experts reveal exactly how Google tests software, offering brand-new best practices you can use even if youre not quite Googles sizeyet!

Breakthrough Techniques You Can Actually Use

Discover 100% practical, amazingly scalable techniques for analyzing risk and planning testscthinking like real userscimplementing exploratory, black box, white box, and acceptance testingcgetting usable feedbackctracking issuescchoosing and creating toolsctesting gDocs & Mocks,h interfaces, classes, modules, libraries, binaries, services, and infrastructurecreviewing code and refactoringcusing test hooks, presubmit scripts, queues, continuous builds, and more. With these techniques, you can transform testing from a bottleneck into an acceleratorand make your whole organization more productive!

ISBN - 9788131790847

Pages : 320
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