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  Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya: Sanskrit texts an English translation

Select Works Of Sri Sankaracharya: Sanskrit Texts An English Translation

by S. Venkataramanan

  Price : Rs 210.00
  Your Price : Rs 178.50
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  THE main object of this publication is to present, in simple English, some of the works of Sri SankarA chA rya in which he tries to expound, in a popular style, the philosophy of the non-dualistic VedA nta of which he was the well-known founder. With this view the present translation has been rendered free of technical words and phrases, and, in some instances, literal and technical accuracy has been purposely sacrificed in order to make the translation readably and comprehensible by itself independently of the text. It is however hoped that the juxtaposition of the Sanskrit text and the English translation will serve the double object of enabling the student of Sanskrit to understand the text better and to correct, by a reference to the text, any defect of expression in the translation as an inevitable result of the attempt to garb it in a popular style. To those that have had no training in metaphysics or dialectics and have neither the leisure nor the capacity to read the original standard works of Sankara,”mostly elaborate commentaries on the VedA nta aphorisms, the Bhagavad-gita and the Upanishads”a publication of this kind should be specially helpful for a proper understanding of the broad outline of Sankara`s philosophy of non-dualism.The work is fresh and powerful in expression, but also lyrical and soulful, deliverincg a masterful work which does full justice to the original.ISBN 9788129200990

Pages : 260
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