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  Statistics for Business and Economics

Statistics For Business And Economics

by David R. Anderson , Dennis J. Sweeney

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  Discover how the most trusted approach to statistics today is Simply Powerful. The latest market-leading text from respected authors Anderson/Sweeney/Williams, Statistics for Business and Economics, 11e, introduces sound statistical methodology within a strong applications setting like no other text. The authors clearly demonstrate how statistical results provide insights into business decisions and present solutions to contemporary business problems. New cases and more than 350 real business examples and memorable exercises, 150 of which are new in this edition, present the latest statistical data and business information. With this book`s comprehensive coverage and unwavering accuracy, you select the topics best for your course, including thorough coverage of the latest statistical and business software. Up-to-date coverage of MiniTab 15 and Excel 2007, along with StatTools and other leading Excel 2007 statistical add-ins within chapter appendices, provides ultimate flexibility with corresponding time-saving data sets on CD and online.

Key Features

Use of Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution Table: To more effectively prepare today`s students to use computer software in statistics, this edition incorporates a normal probability table that is consistent with what is used in today`s statistical software. This cumulative normal probability table also makes it easier to compute p-values for hypothesis testing.
Simplified introduction to p-values: As in the previous edition, this edition emphasizes the use of p-values as the preferred approach to hypothesis testing. To further clarify the introduction of this concept for students, the authors now separate a simplified conceptual definition of p-values from operational definitions that clarify how the p-value is computed for a lower-tail test, an upper-tail test, and a two-tail test.
New Appendix F covering the use of software to compute p-values: This optional appendix clearly shows how to use MINITAB and Excel to compute p-values associated with z, t, and F test statistics. Explanations within the main text demonstrate how to use statistical tables to provide ranges for the p-value, while Appendix F illustrates how to compute the exact p-value using MINITAB or Excel, which is helpful in covering hypothesis testing in Chs. 9-16.
Trusted Team of Expert Authors: As respected leaders and active consultants in the fields of business and statistics, Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams provide an accurate presentation of statistical concepts you can trust with every edition.
Proven Problem-Scenario Approach: Each statistical technique is discussed and developed within an application setting. The statistical results provide insights into business decisions and detail how statistics are used within business today to solve problems.
Powerful Real Examples and Exercises: Already recognized for the strength of its problems, this edition now offers even more real data examples and exercises that emphasize application as well as solid statistical methodology.
Systematic Approach Emphasizing Methods and Applications: At the end of each section, Methods Exercises stress computation and use of formulas, while Application Exercises require students to use what they know about statistics to address real-world problems. Students first develop a computational foundation and learn the use of techniques before moving to statistical application and interpretation of the value of techniques.
Software Coverage with Ultimate Flexibility: Expanded, enhanced coverage of Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Minitab 15 is covered in the appendices for maximum teaching flexibility. A corresponding Student CD provides data files and tools for efficiently completing text exercises. Appendices using Excel 2003 and Minitab 14 and datasets are provided on the Student CD for those who continue to use these versions of the software.
Chapter-Ending Case Problems: Numerous cases emphasize managerial use and interpretation of statistics and provide a strong business approach for making decisions. larger data sets and practice preparing managerial reports.
Statistics in Practice: Each chapter begins with a Statistics in Practice article that describes a real-world application of the statistical methodology to be covered in the chapter. These boxed features allow the student to see that statistics is used in organizations of all types and sizes.
Notes and Comments: At the end of many sections, Notes and Comments give the student additional insights about the statistical methodology and its application. Warnings about or limitations of the methodology, recommendations for application, brief descriptions of additional technical considerations, and other matters are also provided to better prepare students for using statistics for making business decisions.ISBN

Pages : 1054
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