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  Relevance of Self in The Bhagavad Gita to the Modern World

Relevance Of Self In The Bhagavad Gita To The Modern World

by J. Rangaswami

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 500.00
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  The monograph reasonably elucidates the svabhava of self within the societal context of svadharma, i.e., performance of prescribed duties based on the gunas through niskamyakarma yoga. It authoritatively exerts the scientific treatment of the self in Bhagavad Gita with the background of absolutism, theistic absolutism and realism of astika as well as nastika systems; and highlights its uniqueness by comparing with Sankhya, Yoga, Jainism and Buddhism. It comprehensively analysis the Commentaries of Sri Sankara and Sri Ramanuja; and, because of its moernity and practical applicability, advocates the latter`s thematic principles.
This philosophical piece with necessary arguments emphasizes, that, the sthitaprajna, by performing his ordained duties with the right perspectives of varnasramadharma along with the sense of material detachment and sattvika jnana; and following the middle path with self-determinism, he through the spiritual order could attain the final exancipation, i.e., mukti. The book authentically foresees the evolution of World Religion; within which all sciences, all religions and all philosophical speculations confirm the selfless service for the welfare of world humanity; and through it, not only the individual selves but also the animate the inanimate beings merge with Universal Self, which in turn, unveils the secret, i.e., the ever dynamic Spiritual Energy engulfs the conscious and non-conscious entities of the cosmos. ISBN

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