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  Sharadatilakatantram. With the Commentary named Padrthdartha Part II. By Lakshmanadeshikendra, Commentary by Rghavabhatta namEd. 2 Volumes Set

Sharadatilakatantram. With The Commentary Named Padrthdartha Part Ii. By Lakshmanadeshikendra, Commentary By Rghavabhatta Named. 2 Volumes Set

by Arthur Avalon

  Price : Rs 2500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2125.00
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  Sharadatilaka is the essence of the Tantras and deals with the theory and practice of Tantrik worship.It is said that Lakshmana, its author, was impelled to write this treatisebecause of his compassion for men who wanted to know about all the different forms of worship, butcould notdo so by reason of the voluminousness of the different Tantras, each dealingwith a single form of worship and because of the abstruse character of the same.The commentary on the Sharada gives an adequate idea of not only thegreatness of the spiritual culture of India but shows the progress that had beenmade in every sphere of human activity. ISBN: 8177559737

Pages : 1060
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