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  Recent Researches in Buddhist StudiesFestschrift in Honour of Prof. A.K. Chatterjee

Recent Researches In Buddhist Studiesfestschrift In Honour Of Prof. A.K. Chatterjee

by C. D. Sebastian

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 600.00
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  Recent Researchers in Buddhist Studies: Festschrift in Honour of Professor A. K. Chatterjee is a welcome addition to the ever-growing scholarship on Buddhist studies. It is befitting to acknowledge and appreciate the profound scholarship of Professor Ashok Kumar Chatterjee on Buddhist philosophy. It is laudable that the students and friends of Professor A.K. Chatterjee keep on record the respects for him on his 81st birthday through this volume of 10 scholarly papers. Professor Chatterjee had made known four and a half decades ago his philosophical acumen and masterly talent through his magnum opus The Yogacara Idealism, and that has run into different editions after its first publication in 1962. Often it has been said: `a tree is known through its fruits` and this is true of Professor Chatterjee, as he is known through his erudite writings to the academic world.
The papers in this volume are scholarly research articles by different authors who have established their mark in Buddhist studies. As these are research papers following research methodology, the scholars and serious readers in the field would find it more useful than the popular readers."
About Author :
C.D. Sebastian is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai. He holds his M.A. in Indian Philosophy and Religion (First Rank with two Gold Medals) and Ph.D. in Philosophy and Religion (Buddhism) from the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. Having an abiding interest ion Comparative Philosophy and Religion, he has published on many aspects of Buddhism and Indian philosophy, and his works include Metaphysics and Mysticism in Mahayana Buddhism. He is the Editor (Indian Scriptures) of Journal of Scared Scriptures.
Contents :
A Brief Academic Biography of Professor A.K.Chatterjee
Types of Absolutism: Buddhist and Non-Buddhist
Paradox and Insight: To Be or Not To Be a Buddhist!
Proto-Samkhya in the Chinese Buddhacarita
The Significance of Causation in Early Buddhism
The Indian Teacher Zhu Tanwulan and his Devadutasutra
The Vajrayana Buddhism of the Kathmandu Valley
Theory and Praxis of Tibetan Buddhism
Siksasamuccaya being the Manual on the Path of Bodhisattva: An Analytical Exposition
Consciousness and Yogacara-Vijnanavada
Metaphysics and Ethics in Mahayana Buddhism: Cogitations on the Conception of Tathagatagarbha
About the Contributors
Index ISBN

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