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   	My Own Khajuraho

My Own Khajuraho

by Rajbir Deswal

  Price : Rs 125.00
  Your Price : Rs 125.00
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  Rajbir Deswal, has a tender heart but possesses a consummate penA¢??prerequisites for anyone seeking to fly on the wing of poesy. His poems are all full of distilled and practical wisdom. He doesnA¢??t lose sight of Nature around abounding in bounties that generally go unsung and unheeded. His philosophical detachment is obtaining despite his peek into a world of spirituality throughout his present work. Gainsaid then that the philosophical side of A¢??My Own KhajurahoA¢?? conveying a message to celebrate nothingness taken in the stride should not go unheeded.ISBN (13) : 9788173862915

Pages : 103
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