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  Ethnic Conflict in Central Asia

Ethnic Conflict In Central Asia

by P Geetha Lakshmi

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  This presentwork is the first ever attempt made to study the problem of ethnic conflict from acomparative perspective. Tibet and Kazakhstan are the two cases considered for thispurpose. Under Communist rule, both Tibetans and Kazakhs suffered great losses -in terms of human lives, destruction of cultures, under-development of nativelanguages and attacks on religion and its manifestations, ultimately reducingthem to minorities on their homelands. The book analyses the nationalistpolicies of the two communist regimes - China and the former Soviet Union -mainlyfocusing on developments since 1980s. The study reveals that the fourmodernization processes in China, perestroika and glasnost in Russia gave morefreedom to minority populations besides strengthening ethnic separation. Thenature, content and consequences of ethnic demonstrations in Tibet (centered inLhasa) and in Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata, Novy Uzen) are described in detail andcompared with each other.ISBN: 8177555529

Pages : 240
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