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  SPRING: Environmental Studies (Class - 3) (With CD)

Spring: Environmental Studies (Class - 3) (With Cd)

by Jyoti Nanda

  Price : Rs 155.00
  Your Price : Rs 139.50
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  Spring - Environmental Studies is an enchanting and inspirational series for primary students that aims to make them totally aware and truly environment friendly. It hopes to motivate students to understand and realize the urgent need to protect and care for the Earth and the environment. It comprises 6 books that include a Primer and books for Classes 1 to 5.


Encourages the development of critical thinking skills through Let`s think!
Introduces the fun element through various creative activities under Let`s have fun!
Promotes interaction and communication using the element of Let`s talk!
Engages students through a diverse range of activities under Let`s try this! and Let`s do something!
Develops concepts through powerful pictorial representations and photographs
Challenges students to discover more through Let`s find out! and Let`s know more!
Inspires students to `Act` through the medium of Let`s care!


Interactive CD reinforces concepts and promotes out of the box thinking
Online Support with additional exercises and practice questions to make learning livelier

Table of Contents

1. Together As A Family
2. Caring and Sharing
3. What Keeps Us Busy
4. After Work
5. The Animal World
6. Our Animal Friends
7. Fly, Fly Away
8. My Green World
9. Leaves
10. The Story of Food
11. Cooking and Eating
12. We Need Water isbn

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