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  Girls Fc 9: We`re The Dream Team, Right?

Girls Fc 9: We`Re The Dream Team, Right?

by Helena Pielichaty

  Price : Rs 199.00
  Your Price : Rs 185.07
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  "* "Helena Pielichaty has a light touch and an effortless way of telling a story." - Anne Cassidy * "This book makes football a fun activity that isn`t just for boys and I hope reading the series will encourage more girls to get involved in sport from an early age." - Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson"

Girls FC: the best team for football and friendship. Ten-year-old Eve Akboh is devastated when her friend Gemma drops out of the team. Playing isn`t nearly as much fun without her. Plus, Eve`s widowed mum is run ragged trying to get her and her two brothers to and from fixtures every weekend. Maybe Eve should quit too - unless there`s a way to persuade Gemma to come back...Women`s football is the fastest growing sport in the world. In the UK one million girls play and more than 9,000 girls` teams are registered with the FA.ISBN

Pages : 128
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