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  Occult Principles of Health and Healing

Occult Principles Of Health And Healing

by Max Heindel

  Price : Rs 265.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.25
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  Presents a remarkably specific and practical guide that shows the reader how to harness the powers of natural healing latent in their own mind and spirit.

In Occult Principles of Health and Healing, by Max Heindel has articulated a set of life-changing principles for charting a new course to health and happiness. More than that, however, Occult Principles of Health and Healing presents a remarkably specific and practical guide.

This compilation of material concerning the health and healing of the human organism as considered from the occult viewpoint affords those interested in attaining and maintaining health a treasure chest of valuable information. Max Heindel, a trained clairvoyant and investigator of the super-physical worlds, devoted much time and effort to ascertaining the real causes of physical and mental disorders as revealed in the realm of cause, the higher or superphysical planes, and this volume contains the fruits of his labor. It embodies some of the most priceless truths in regard to the origin, functions, and proper care of the vehicles of man to be found on the printed page, and those concerned with the true art of healing will find it an indispensable addition to their libraries.

It shows how to:

Harness the powers of your subconsciousness mind
To understand and fully make use of the vital Body, Mind and Spirit
Successfully use natural healing principles
Improve your health without the use of drugs
The value and science of Nutrition
Astrological basis of Healing
Therapeutic use of Light, Colour, and Sound
How to treat disease during Sleep
Develop a health consciousness

It embodies some of the most priceless truths in regard to the origin, functions, and proper care of the vehicles of man to be found on the printed pageISBN 9788129200068

Pages : 263
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