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  HTML5 for Beginners

Html5 For Beginners

by Firuza Aibara

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  This book has been specifically written in the interest of students, who are beginning to learn HTML. Hence, the basic HTML commands are made easy in this book for them to learn this subject within a short period. The language used is simple so that the students can grasp easily.

Though there are many books on HTML available in the market, the salient feature of this book is the simplicity which immediately appeals to the beginners. It can very well be described as the most user friendly book.

The coloured illustrations have been inserted in order to enhance the interest of children because they get enchanted by looking at the multicoloured pictures. As a result, they find it easy to remember. After reading this book the students
will be able to create attractive web sites of their own choice.

The book includes the latest version of HTML5, used for designing web pages. isbn 9789350236475

Pages : 564
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