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  Creating A Helping Organisation: 5 Engaging Ways To Promote Employee Performance, Growth & Well-Being

Creating A Helping Organisation: 5 Engaging Ways To Promote Employee Performance, Growth & Well-Being

by Ganesh Chella

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 405.00
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  India`s rapid economic growth has led to abundant prosperity for employees. Unfortunately, this growth and prosperity has brought socio-cultural shifts that are posing psychological problems. Over a period of time, these will become counter productive for organisations that are, today, thriving on the efforts of this work force.

To help deal with personal and work related psychological problems, employees have so far relied on the rich family support system; friends too have been a major support. But the demographics are changing as several leave behind these support systems to work in other cities. Counselors and coaches can help, but they are yet to gain widespread acceptance.

To address these lacunae and the impending productivity loss, Managements are obligated to create a helping tomorrow`s work force today through a 5-layer helping model.

In Creating a Helping Organisation CEOs, HR directors and Managers will discover a path breaking and practical approach to promote employee performance, growth and well-being.

About the Author
Ganesh Chella, is a thought leader in the field of human resource and executive coaching. He Ganesh is the founder of Totus consulting, a strategic human resource consulting firm.

Table of Contents

1. An Introduction to a Helping Organisation
2. Why Help Matters in Today`s Workplace
3. The Help that Employees Need and Where They Look for It
4. The Power of the Helping Relationship at Work
5. The Inner Workings of Helping
6. The Layers of Help in an Organisational Context
7. Ineffective Helpers within Organisations
8. Community Help
9. Barefoot Help
10. Qualified Help
11. Professional Help for Executive Coaching
12. Professional Employee Assistance ISBN 9781259002724

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