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   	Modern Project Management

Modern Project Management

by Soota, Tarun ,Mishra, R.C.

  Price : Rs 195.00
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The self contained text attempts to provide a broad foundation to the project management aspects to bridge the gap between the students and the professionals. In doing so, it discusses fairly extensively, the basic of project management and treats systematically and comprehensively, the various parameters such as feasibility study and structuring and controlling the most important resources of the project. The role of the project manager in project direction, coordination and control has been elaborated at length. Network concepts used in project management forms an important part of this book. Numerous worked out real life problems illustrate the application of the theories considered.

In consonance with the growth of industry and its modernization, and the need to minimize the time required for completion of the project advances in project management have been included.

Replete with line diagrams, this elegant volume will serve as an excellent text for the undergraduate in mechanical/production/industrial engineering, and would be of immense value to the professional project managers in general and students of G.B.T.U. Lucknow and M.M.T.U. Noida in particular. For students to test their knowledge, tutorial sheets and previous years question papers are also included.isbn 9788122430714

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