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  International Politics and State Strength

International Politics And State Strength

by Thomas Volgy, Alison Bailin

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 355.50
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  Although it has been more than a decade since the Cold War global structure collapsed, neither scholars nor policymakers have clearly identified its replacement. What is the new world order, ask Thomas Volgy and Alison Bailin; and in the midst of declining state strength, who sustains it? They find their answers in the system collectively constructed by the major powers. The authors consider both the nature of state strength and the changing capabilities of the states most likely to construct global architecture. Demonstrating that the traditional structures of global order”hegemony, bipolarity, and multipolarity”are inconsistent with existing and projected patterns of state strength, they present a provocative alternative model that reflects the "creeping incrementalism" of multilateral institutions and the "institutionalized group hegemony" of the G7 states. They also explore the weaknesses of the present architectural arrangements and discuss alternative scenarios.
ISBN 9788176498661

Pages : 188
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