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  Political Transition and Development Imperatives in India

Political Transition And Development Imperatives In India

by Ranabir Samaddar, Suhit K. Sen

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 675.75
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  "This volume explores the transition from colonial to constitutional rule in India, and the configurations of power and legitimacies that emerged from it. It focuses on the developmental structures and paradigms that provided the circumstances for the transition and establishment of the post-colonial state. It also interrogates the idea of liberal constitutionalism, the spaces it provides for rights and claims, the assumptions it makes about citizenship and its attendant duties, and  what it can, or has to, do in order to become a developmental state in the context of India.

The book locates these questions in the reconfiguration of society, power, and the economy with the shift in the identity of the Indian state to a post-colonial one, dealing with issues of constitution-making in a historical and political setting and its outcomes, especially the centrality of law and legalisms, in shaping civil society. This book emphasises continuity and change in the context of the movement from the colonial to the constitutional order.
ISBN - 9780415522892

Pages : 304
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