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  Textbook on Microprocessor-based Laboratory Experiments and Proj

Textbook On Microprocessor-Based Laboratory Experiments And Proj

by A.K. Mukhopadhyay

  Price : Rs 275.00
  Your Price : Rs 233.75
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  The book develops course-work on microprocessor-based laboratory experiments and projects for engineering students.

In contains the introductory part of INTEL 8085-based microcomputer along with the architecture and organization, pin configuration, interrupts and interfacing techniques along with the instruction set. The instructions have been well illustrated along with their use in software development.

The book contains twenty four microprocessor-based projects including power factor determination of a synchronous motor, traffic light controller, washing machine controllers, etc. Some new experiments including replacement of logic gates and flip-flops by means of microprocessor, formation of mirror images, etc., have also been added. Intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of electrical engineering, Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunication and associated fields, researchers and professionals will also find it beneficial.ISBN 9789380578040

Pages : 416
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