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  Database Management Systems , Second Edition

Database Management Systems , Second Edition

by P S Gill

  Price : Rs 435.00
  Your Price : Rs 369.75
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  This book on Database Management Systems has been designed to provide an insight into the database concepts. A sincere effort has been made to present the concepts of database normalization, concurrency control, deadlock handling and recovery, etc., in a simple easy-to-understand manner. Since understanding of the query languages is vital for accessing of databases, a large number of queries have been provided to explain the equivalence between SQL, Relational Algebra, Tuple Relational Calculus and Domain Relational Calculus. The concepts of normalization have been elaborated very systematically, bringing out the necessity of normalization and fully covering the underlying concepts of functional dependencies, multi-valued dependencies, join dependencies, loss-less-join decomposition, dependency-preservation, etc. The author sincerely hopes that the book will enable its readers to design databases with ease and without flaws. Also, the concepts of concurrency control, deadlock handling and log-based recovery have been covered in full detail. A brief introduction has been provided to the issues related to distributed-databases, data warehousing and data mining.ISBN: 9789381141212

Pages : 310
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