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  Serious Money

Serious Money

by Barrie Pearson

  Price : Rs 195.00
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  This book has the power to guide, to motivate and to inspire you to become seriously richer and happier, regardless of whether you are in dire financial straights or already wealthy. It has been written to channel your imagination and to galvanize you into action so that inevitably you will be seriously richer and happier.

The book is gimmick-free, because there ARE no gimmicks for achieving wealth and happiness - instead it is crammed full of simple, practical and proven techniques which have worked in abundance for the author and countless other people he has helped.

Contents: Part 1: Achieve the wealth and success you dream about ¢ Take stock, and set your financial goals ¢ Vital touchstones to create serious wealth ¢ Do yourself some valuable favours ¢ Become richer with spare time opportunities ¢ Get to the top... or higher than you thought possible ¢ Become self-employed or start your own business ¢ Pursue management buy-out (MBO) or buy-in (MBI)

Part 2: Become truly happier as well ¢ Manage your health ¢ Invest time in family and friends ¢ Reinvent not retirement ¢ Enjoy your wealth ¢
ISBN 9788130902258

Pages : 210
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