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  What`s Next, Gen X?: Keeping Up, Moving Ahead, and Getting the Career You Want

What`S Next, Gen X?: Keeping Up, Moving Ahead, And Getting The Career You Want

by Tamara Erickson

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 715.50
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  Book Summary of What`s Next, Gen X?: Keeping Up, Moving Ahead, and Getting the Career You Want
You`re a member of Generation X-the 30-to-44 age cohort. And you`ve drawn the short stick when it comes to work. The economy has been stacked against you from the beginning. Worse, you`re sandwiched between Boomers (with their constant back-patting blather and refusal to retire) and Gen Y`s (with their relentless confidence and demands for attention). You`re stuck in the middle-of your life and between two huge generations that dote on each other. But you can move forward in your career. In What`s Next, Gen X? Tamara Erickson shows how. She explains the forces affecting attitudes and behaviors in each generation-Boomer, X, and Y-so you can start relating more productively with bosses, peers, and employees. Erickson then assesses Gen X`s progress in life so far and analyzes the implications of organizational and technological changes for your professional future. She lays out a powerful framework for shaping a satisfying, meaningful career, revealing how to: -Identify work that matches what you care most about -Succeed in a corporate career or an entrepreneurial venture -Spot and seize newly emerging professional opportunities -Use your unique capabilities to become an effective leader Provocative and engaging, What`s Next, Gen X? helps you break free from the middle and chart a fulfilling course for the years ahead. ISBN 9781422120644

Pages : 237
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