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  What is your Rashi?

What Is Your Rashi?

by Miles Davis

  Price : Rs 135.00
  Your Price : Rs 135.00
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  This is the most complete text available today on the subject of Vedic Lunar Astrology. It provides the most thorough analysis that can be found on each of the twelve moon signs or rashis.Researched from dozens of ancient texts and based upon sacred eternal truths; this book scientifically describes why the Hindu system of jyotish is the only accurate, logical, and liberating system of astrology. Additionally what is Your Rashi? Takes you the reader into the heart and soul of astrology. Learn to experience the very real personal forces of each of the planets as they reveal our individual destinies. What is Your Rashi? is a must read for all lovers of astrological lore, the divine science of light.

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