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  Enterprise & Venture Capital, 5/e

Enterprise & Venture Capital, 5/E

by Christopher Golis

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 445.50
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  Enterprise and Venture Capital is a bestselling guide for people looking to build new businesses around bright ideas, and for investors awake to the opportunities offered by new business building. This is the revised and updated fifth edition of the book that is widely regarded as the handbook of the Australian venture capital industry.

The book sets out in a straightforward and practical way how to put venture capital to work. It discusses the fundamentals of business building, the sources of venture capital available and the steps involved in obtaining the appropriate financing, including the preparation of a business plan, the choice of a venture capitalist and negotiations with investors. The book includes advice to investors on how to invest venture capital wisely and concludes with three case studies involving venture capital investment and the lessons learned by both investors and entrepreneurs.

Enterprise and Venture Capital is based on the tripartite experience of Chris Golis, one of the pioneers of the Australian venture capital industry, Patrick Mooney, an international businessman who has worked with a wide range of early-stage technology companies, and Thomas Richardson, a corporate finance advisor with international experience as an investment analyst, business mentor and professional speaker.

It is also based on the analysis of over 6000 business plans detailed interviews with some of the region"s most successful international entrepreneurs.
ISBN 9781741756906

Pages : 320
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