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  Environmental Ecology and Field Biology

Environmental Ecology And Field Biology

by Vartika Mathur

  Price : Rs 405.00
  Your Price : Rs 344.25
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  The book aims to create awareness about ecology, field biology and their applied aspects with special emphasis on biodiversity, pollution & environmental protection acts. It provides an in-depth information on some of the endangered animals with a note on their life cycle, habits and habitats and causes for their decline. The book also describes the life cycle of some common phyto- and zooplanktons and vertebrates and explains their ecological significance. Key features:
¢ Biodiversity which includes genetic & species diversities, community and ecosystem diversities, importance of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity and conservation.
¢ Environmental pollution and environmental social issues.
¢ Environment Protection Acts.
¢ Study of endangered animals with special reference to reptiles, birds and mammals of Indian subcontinent and;
¢ Study of ecological significance of sentatives of phyto- and zooplanktons, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The book contains more than 90 colour photographsISBN 9789380578224

Pages : 242
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