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  Hindu Gods and Temples: Symbolism, Sanctity and Sites

Hindu Gods And Temples: Symbolism, Sanctity And Sites

by Shyam Banerji

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 845.75
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  This book is a collector``s special that provides a fascinating insight into the colourful world of Hindu deities and places of worship. The book explores the deep symbolism that lies embedded in the iconography of Hindu Gods and Goddesses and interprets the underlying messages that have been projected so intelligently and thoughtfully through the form, shape, colour, attire and attendant paraphernalia of different deities, by the sages and seers of ancient India. In the process it also unravels some of the important myths related to different deities and the festivals celebrated in their honour. The deeply researched text of Hindu Gods and Temples: Symbolism, Sanctity and Sites and its lucid presentation take the reader on an unforgettable journey into the wondrous world of Hindu religion and the Supreme Truth behind the apparent multiplicity of Gods and Goddesses. Why does Ganesha, the god of wisdom, have an elephant-head? Why does Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, travel on an owl? What is the symbolism of Krishna``s flute? Why does he wear yellow? What is the Bhagwad Geeta? What are the legends behind the foundation of some of the most famous Hindu temples and shrines of India? Hindu Gods and Temples: Symbolism, Sanctity and Sites is a first publication that brings together some of the most popular Hindu images, legends, beliefs and places of worship within the covers of a beautifully designed book with an informatively engrossing text of over 23,000 words.ISBN 9788188237029

Pages : 104
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