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  Successful Project Manahement, 3/e

Successful Project Manahement, 3/E

by Trevor L Young

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  Description: Do you find it difficult to co-ordinate tasks?

Can you prioritise?

Successful Project Management will help all managers to maintain a balance between the demands of the customer, the project, the team, and the organisation. It contains practical and well-tested techniques which cover:

¢ project conception and start-up

¢ managing project stakeholders

¢ managing risks

¢ project planning

¢ project launch and execution, closure and evaluation

Complete with checklists and specific guidance notes, this essential book covers the entire project management process and will help you to improve your chance of success.

Content: Introduction ¢ What is success?: What happens to the project? ¢ Defining success ¢ Your view of success ¢ Success depends on who is measuring ¢ What are the perceived causes of failure? ¢ Reduce the probability of failure ¢The climate for success: Why do initiatives appear to fail? ¢ Some definitions ¢ Projects ” are they just an accident? ¢ What influences the climate? ¢ What`s the current climate? ¢ The cross functional team ¢ The operating climate for success ¢ The key activities ¢ Defined roles and responsibilities ” the key players ¢ Influence of organisational culture ¢ The project process ” key steps for success: The project phases ¢ The phase gates ¢ The phase gate ” a constraint? ¢ The key steps to success ¢Project conception and start-up: Selecting the right project ¢ The start-up process ¢ Customer needs and expectations ¢ Customer satisfaction ¢ Identifying the project constraints ¢ Assumptions ¢ Review and control ¢ The kick-oft meeting ¢ Recording essential information ¢ The definition phase: The project brief and specification ¢ Defining the project ¢ Risk assessment ¢ Getting your project definition approved ¢ Managing the stakeholders : What is a stakeholder? ¢ Identifying stakeholders ¢ The two most important stakeholders ¢ Stakeholder influence ¢ Gathering information about stakeholders ¢ The stakeholder influence matrix ¢ What happens next with stakeholders? ¢ Managing the risks: What is a risk? ¢ Why bother? ¢ The risk management process ¢ Identifying the risks ¢ A typical starter checklist ¢ Decide the primary response strategy ¢ Quantifying the risks ¢ Risk score ¢ What do I do now? ¢ Risk ownership ¢ Monitoring risks ¢ Planning the project: A common misconception ¢ Who needs to be involved? ¢ Where does planning start? ¢ Identifying the key stages ¢ Allocating responsibility ¢ Estimating ¢ The critical path of your project ¢ Analyse resource requirements ¢ Optimising your schedule ¢ Review the project risk log ¢ Review the project budget ¢ Freezing the baseline schedule ¢ Seeking approval to launch ¢Launching and executing the project: Preparing for project execution ¢ The control environment ¢ Monitoring the progress ¢ Managing the issues arising ¢ Tracking your project ¢ Control the costs ¢ Closure and post-project evaluation: Project drift ¢ Set the completion criteria ¢ The acceptance process checklist ¢ The closeout meeting ¢ Post-project evaluation ¢ And finally ¢Further reading

About the Author: Trevor L Young is an independent consultant specialising in the introduction of programme management. He is a member of the Institute of Personnel and Development and is the author of The Handbookof Project Management (also published by Kogan Page).

Target Audience: Project managers in corporate houses.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749456634

Pages : 216
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