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  Gas Insulated Substations (Paper Back)

Gas Insulated Substations (Paper Back)

by M S Naidu

  Price : Rs 245.00
  Your Price : Rs 208.25
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  The increase in demand for electricity and the growing energy density in metropolitan cities have made it necessary to extend the existing high voltage network right up to the consumer. Stepping down the voltage from transmission to the distribution level at the substations located near the actual consumers not only yields economic advantages, but also ensures reliable power supply. Such substations are required to meet a number of severe requirements, including small installation size, effective protection against atmospheric pollution and moisture, noiseless operation, nonexplosive and flame resistant, reduced maintenance, minimal radio interference while providing excellent electric characteristics. Conventional substations using atmospheric air as the main dielectric cannot satisfy these requirements, but totally enclosed substations using sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) gas insulation that are also known as Gas Insulated Substations (GIS). GIS is now in widespread use in the electrical power industry, especially in metropolitan areas. This book will serve as a valuable reference for the novice as well as the expert who needs a wider and detailed scope of coverage within the area of GIS.
Gas Insulated Substations provides a comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics which include
¢ Introduction to GIS & Properties of SF6
¢ Layout, Design, Construction, Testing & Maintenance of GIS
¢ Special Problems and Diagnostic Techniques
¢ VFTO Phenomena and its Effects in GIS
¢ Service Experience
¢ Standards Specifications
¢ Future Trends
¢ Extensive References
Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) is the first single source for authoritative information on the state of the art in GIS. ISBN: 9788190694292

Pages : 495
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