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  Distribution Channels

Distribution Channels

by Julian Dent

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  Review : Many suppliers find retailers, especially the major chains, brutal to deal with and feel that they are squeezed by the retailers" power to control access to the consumers they need to reach, writes Julian Dent in Distribution Channels: Understanding and managing channels to market. Recommended read for the marketing professional.

- The Hindu Business Line

Description: This accessible, rigorous new title explores the ways in which a business can succeed in its distribution activities, through a thorough understanding of its go-to-market partners` business models.

Distribution Channels demonstrates to readers why business models are so important, and provides key information about all of the players involved in distribution chains, including distributors, wholesalers, final-tier channel players and retailers. By interpreting the business models of various types of distribution channel, this comprehensive book illustrates how to optimize both the models and the commercial relationships between the different parties, as well as how to get products and services to market through the best routes possible.

Taking into account both the tactical and strategic dimensions of channel economics, Distribution Channels provides readers with the knowledge needed to improve their business distribution models, whether they are responsible for the distribution channels of their company or if they are a part of that distribution channel.

Covering the whole process, including accessing and servicing markets and customers, controlling brands, creating differentiation, and improving the business distribution model, this book is an essential read for anyone involved in distribution channels.

Contents: Preface ¢ Acknowledgements ¢ Part I Introduction and why business models matter ¢ Introduction ¢ Who this book is for ¢ What do we mean by business model? ¢ How this book is set out ¢ Why business models matter ¢ Distribution matters ¢ Challenging business dynamics ¢ Business models are key to value propositions ¢ A structured approach to positioning your value proposition ¢ Be careful with comparisons ¢ Part 2 Distributors and wholesalers ¢ The role of the distributor ¢ Distributors/wholesalers ¢ Customer role ” core functions ¢ Supplier role ” core functions ¢ How the distributor business model works ¢ Role defines business model ¢ Profit is a very small number between two very big numbers ¢ Managing working capital is a balancing act ¢ The measures that matter and how to manage with them ¢ Margins and profitability ¢ Multiple margins ¢ Gross margin and value add ¢ Margin mix or blended margin ¢ Contribution margin ¢ Net margin and operating margin ¢ Working capital ¢ Working capital management ¢ Supplier credit ¢ Inventory ¢ Customer credit ¢ Working capital cycle ¢ Productivity ¢ Earn and turn ¢ Contribution margin return on inventory investment ¢ Returns on working capital ¢ Sustainability ¢ Sustainability ” longer-term business health ¢ Return on net assets and return on capital employed ¢ Return on invested capital ¢ Value creation ¢ Managing value creation on an operational basis ¢ Managing growth ¢ Growth dynamics ¢ Internally financed growth rate formula ¢ Economies of scale ” profitability ¢ Economies of scale ” working capital management ¢ Risks of growth ” diseconomies of scale ¢ How to sell to distributors ¢ What we mean by selling to distributors ¢ The sales process ¢ Managing the account relationship ¢ Some rules of thumb for making compelling business cases ¢ Summary ¢ Part 3 Final-tier trade channel players ¢ The roles of the final-tier trade channel players ¢ The final-tier trade channel players ¢ The possible roles of final-tier trade channel players ¢ Matching channel roles to channel players ¢ Different roles command different compensation models ¢ Customer advocates and sell-with players ¢ Sell-with players and strategic alliances ¢ Applying this framework to your industry sector or channel ¢ How the business model of the final-tier trade channel players works ¢ Role defines business model ¢ Services come from people, either directly or indirectly (eg web-delivered) ¢ Managing a service business ¢ Service-based business model ¢ Overview of service business model measures ¢ Sales and utilization ¢ Sales ¢ Utilization ¢ Gross margin and recoverability ¢ Gross margin ¢ Recoverability ¢ Working capital management ¢ The cash-to-cash cycle ¢ Improving working capital ¢ Value creation and growth ¢ Value creation and improving the numbers ¢ Managing growth ” the integrated product and service business model ¢ How to sell to final-tier trade channel players ¢ What we mean by selling to final-tier trade channel players ¢ Segmenting the final-tier trade channel ¢ What the final tier looks for in a vendor ¢ What the final tier looks for in a distributor ¢ Managing the account relationship ¢ Some rules of thumb for making compelling business cases ¢ Selling ˜with` the final tier in an advocacy role ¢ Conclusion ¢ Part 4 Retailers ¢ The role of retailers ¢ Retailers and retailing ¢ Catalogue and online retailing ¢ How the retail business model works ¢ Role defines business model ¢ Earn and turn ¢ Layout and planogramming ¢ Ranging and merchandising ¢ The measures that matter and how to manage with them ¢ Sales (or takings or revenues) ¢ Margins ¢ Direct product cost (DPC) and direct product profitability (DIP) ¢ Turns and productivity ¢ How to sell to retailers ¢ What we mean by selling to retailers ¢ The sales process ¢ Retailer challenges and their implications for suppliers ¢ Impact of the internet ¢ Managing retail relationships at a strategic level ¢ Managing retail relationships at a tactical level ¢ Selling in to the retailer`s buying cycle and open-to-buy ¢ Should you deal with retailers direct or through a wholesaler? ¢ Summary ¢ Key ratios ¢ Glossary of technical terms ¢ Index

About the Author: Julian Dent is Chairman of VIA International, a specialist routes-to-market consultancy. He has over 25 years` experience in distribution throughout the world. His client list has included Barclays Bank, BP, Esso, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Nokia, Orange, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, Philips, SGI, Subway and Xerox.

Target Audience: For anyone whose role touches the marketing, sales, distribution and service channels of their industry.

Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749455361

Pages : 336
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