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  Branded Male

Branded Male

by Mark Tungate

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  Description: Men are not what they were. In article after article we`re told a new typle of man is abroad “ he`s more interested in looking good and he`s a lot keener on shopping.

Branded Male sets out to discover what makes men tick as consumers and how products and services are effectively branded for the male market. Using a day in the life of a fictional "branded male". Mark Tungete looks at male-orientated brands and their marketing strategies in areas as diverse as:

¢ Grooming and Skincare ¢ Clothes ¢ Dieting, fitness and health ¢ Interior design ¢ Cars ¢ Travel and hotels ¢ Men`s magazines ¢ Technology and gadgets ¢ Film and TV ¢ Alcohol ¢ Restaurants ¢ Sex and Dating

Touching on famous names such as Gillette, Gucci, Savile Row, Dunhill, Habitat, BMW, Hummer, GQ, Esquire, Apple, Guinness and Jack Daniel`s, Branded Male examines modern man`s exposure to brands and reveals which marketing messages have the most impact on his wallet.

The male market is exploding. Thanks to emerging social and cultureal trends, men are becoming consumers to reckon with. In 1990 only 4 per cent of men claimed to use a skincare product regularly. By 2015 the figure will have risen to one in two. Male consumers are the targets of advertisements for cars, computers, business travel and alcohol. They are marrying older and living longer.

Branded Male discusses the evolution of the male consumer and the desire of marketers to tap into the still-underdeveloped male market. Examining popular strategies for marketing to men, crammed with facts and anecdotes, Branded Male analyses how to brand products and services for the male market.

Using a day in the life of a typical modern male as a template and examining all the influences affecting him, the book considers his exposure to brands and the ways marketers can exploit these channels.

In his trademark journalistic and highly readable style, Mark Tungate “ the author of Fashion Brands-paints a portrait of the male consumer. From razor blades to beer, from aftershave to hotels, he finds out which marketing messages have the most impact on male wallets. Men`s bank balances may never be the same again.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Skin: The grooming conundrum; The razor`s edge; Shop options; National characteristics; Tooled up; Male beauty parlours; Branding toolkit ¢ Cloth: Fear and clothing; The repression of menswear; The importance of being suited; Return to clubland; Accessory after the fact; Branding toolkit ¢ Diet: Diet hard; Homme fatale; Branding toolkit ¢ Home: Single life; Habitat`s dad; Ikea boys; Branding toolkit ¢ Wheels: Upwardly automobile; Branding the ˜Bimmer`; Web for hire; Size isn`t everything; Routes to the consumer; Branding toolkit ¢ Travel: Moving target; The seduction of sleep; Attacking Mr.JetSet; Branding toolkit ¢ Words: Glossies for guys; From smooth operators to new lads; Climbing back upmarket; Men and newspapers; Not taking it literally; Branding toolkit ¢ Gadgets: Technophilia; Technology for all; The games men play; Branding toolkit ¢ Hotels: Rooms with all the trimmings; Bad behaviour is good for business; Branding toolkit ¢ Pictures: The power of TV sport; How men watch sports; Product placement “ branding bond; Branding toolkit ¢ Body: The fitness imperative; Making the cut; Branding toolkit ¢ Alcohol: The beer punters; Marketing the hard stuff; The health debate; Branding toolkit ¢ Restaurants: Restaurants as brands; Generous tips; Branding toolkit ¢ Sex: Internet connections; Performance blues; Don`t just do it; Branding toolkit ¢ Conclusion ¢ References ¢ Index

About the Author: Mark Tungate is the author of the bestselling Fashion Brands, as well as the highly acclaimed Adland: A Global History of Advertising, both published by Kohan Page. Based in Paris, he is a journalist specializing in media, marketing and communication. Mark has a weekly column in the French media magazine Strategies, and writes regularly about advertising, style and popular culture for the trends intelligence service WGSN and the magazine Campaign. He work has appeared in The Times, The Independent and The Daily Telegraph. He is also the co-author of The Epica Book, an annual review of the best European advertising. He has addressed conferences around the world and has been on the juries of several advertising competitions. He also co-hosts a weekly French television show about creative advertising.

Target Audience: Branding professionals, advertising agencies, corporates, students & academics of management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749454685

Pages : 240
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