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by Dan Hill

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  Reviews: "Dan Hill`s book is a revelation. Marketers have clearly overemphasized the power of rational over emotional factors in their ads, packaging, product design, and sales presentations. We all know that emotions count but we lacked the vocabulary and tools for capturing and quantifying emotional appeals and impacts. Read this book so that your next marketing campaign created high emotional buy-in"

Philip Kotler, S C Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University

Description: For far too long, emotions have been ignored in favour of rationality and efficiency. However, breakthroughs in brain science have revealed that people are primarily emotional decision-makers. Many companies have not yet accepted this fact, much less acted on it.

Emotionomics will help you to understand emotions in terms of business opportunities. In today`s highly competitive marketplace where many products look alike, it is the emotional benefit of a product that can make the difference. At the same time, companies with engaged, productive workforces will undoubtedly achieve a competitive advantage.

Dan Hill`s book draws on insights gathered through facial coding, the single best viable means of measuring and managing the emotional response of customers and employees. It will teach you to leverage emotions for business success in terms of branding, product design, advertising, sales, customers satisfaction, leadership and employee management.

Emotions matter, and this book will help you not only to step closer to customers and employees, but to also step ahead of your competitors.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Part One: Why emotions matter ¢ The new mental model ¢ Overview ¢ Science: the meaning of a three-part brain ¢ Psychology: balancing blind instinct with growth ¢ Economics: plugging emotions into the equation ¢ The science of facial coding ¢ Overview ¢ The challenge: when words along fail us ¢ Origins and scope: why and how facial coding works ¢ Deliverables: facial coding in practice ¢ Emotions and motivations ¢ Overview ¢ Contextualizing emotions: how feelings fuel behaviour ¢ Motivations: what spurs us on ¢ The Emotionomics Matrix: introducing a strategic model ¢ Part Two: Marketplace applications ¢ Branding ¢ Overview ¢ Reflected beliefs: keep consumers` values in view ¢ Belonging: where status and security meet ¢ Telling a story: selling familiarity and comfort ¢ Conclusion ¢ Offer design, packaging and usability ¢ Overview ¢ Winning superiority: nurturing a ˜wow` ¢ Sensory payoff: the way to the heart ¢ Functional fulfilment: joy not frustration ¢ Conclusion ¢ Advertising ¢ Overview ¢ Being absorbing: what stopping power entails ¢ The invisible line: why knowing the target market matters ¢ Reassurance: defusing skepticism ¢ Conclusion ¢ Sales ¢ Overview ¢ Commitment: adopting a relationship model ¢ Unity: staying in step with the prospect ¢ Interwoven rewards: creating a ˜we` mentality ¢ Conclusion ¢ Retail and service ¢ Overview ¢ Respectfulness: enabling efficiency ¢ Engagement: bringing back delight ¢ Reassurance: proving oneself right ¢ Conclusion ¢ Part Three: Workplace applications ¢ Leadership ¢ Overview ¢ The greater good: why character matters ¢ Clear vision: forward thinking and feeling ¢ Cohesive culture: bringing everyone along ¢ Conclusion ¢ Employee management ¢ Overview ¢ Compatibility: identifying what works ¢ Reciprocating trust: avoid disconnects ¢ Mission critical: inspiring a questing mentality ¢ Conclusion

About the Author: Dan Hill is a recognized authority on the role of emotions in consumer and employee behaviour, and an expert in facial coding as an aid in measuring people`s decision-making process for consumer insight testing. He is the founder and president of Sensory Logic - a scientific, research-based consultancy that specializes in enhancing companies` sensoryemotional connectivity. Dan is a frequent speaker at business conventions across the globe and also the author of Body of Truth: Leaveraging What Consumers Can`t or Won`t Say.

Target Audience: Business leaders, brand managers, academics and students of management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749457006

Pages : 368
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