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  Plan B: Rescuing a Planet under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble

Plan B: Rescuing A Planet Under Stress And A Civilization In Trouble

by Lester R. Brown

  Price : Rs 330.00
  Your Price : Rs 280.50
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  Over the past few years Lester R. Brown has written several bestselling works that have made us aware of the need for sustainable development. This latest work shows that we have created a bubble economy, one whose output is artificially inflated by overconsuming the earth`s natural capital. The present course, Plan A, will lead to continuing environmental deterioration and eventual economic decline. The alternative is Plan B, a worldwide mobilization to stabilize population and climate before these issues spiral out of control. The goal is to stabilize population close to the United Nation`s low projection of 7.4 billion, to reduce carbon emissions by half by 2015, and to raise water productivity by half. Lester Brown puts forward a workable blueprint that can be enacted now.

ISBN :9788125026914

Pages : 304
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