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  Democratic Transitions- Exploring the Structural sources of the Fourth Wave

Democratic Transitions- Exploring The Structural Sources Of The Fourth Wave

by Renske Doorenspleet

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 445.50
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  This thoughtful, well-structured and well argued work makes an intriguing contribution ...Doorenspleet measures waves of democracy in original and insightful ways.

- Andreas Schedler, CIDE

With the widespread movement towards democratization that characterized the first post- Cold War decade, why did some non democratic regimes undergo a transition toward a democratic political system, but other not? Why have some transitions succeeded completely, but others resulted in only limited political reform? Renske Doorenspleet addresses these questions, providing a systematic theoretical and empirical analysis of variations in transitions to democracy.

Doorenspleet interweaves a discussion of key concepts, the major theoretical approaches to democratization, and statistical analyses to illuminate the influence of structural - primarily economic and social- factors on democratic transitons. She also explores the notion of waves of democratization. Though focusing on the 1989-2001 period, she offers a wealth of new evidence covering two centuries of democratic transitions around the globe.
ISBN 9788130902586

Pages : 204
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