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  Key Marketing Skills, 2nd edn (With CD-Rom)

Key Marketing Skills, 2Nd Edn (With Cd-Rom)

by Peter Cheverton

  Price : Rs 645.60
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  Description: This is a practical guide to the concepts, processes and application of professional marketing practice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, it uses real case studies to illustrate the theories described. The tools and processes outlined are applicable to consumer goods, retail, industrial, business and service environments.

Marketing is viewed as core element of corporate strategy. Emphasis is placed on the need to keep pace with changing business practices, including the e-revolution, Key Account Management and Customer Relationship Management, while maintaining a disciplined approach.

Key Marketing Skills is used on both the strategic and tactical parts of marketing courses. It also assists practitioners “ whether new or experienced “ and informs those from the ˜non-marketing functions` of businesses.

The author is a director of an international training and consultancy firm; and the author two other books on marketing.


PART I - DEFINITIONS, PURPOSE AND PROCESS ¢ What is marketing?: What the public thinks ¢ So what do you think? ¢ The Marketing Model ¢ Testing the model ¢ Issues raised by the Marketing Model ¢ What business are you in? Are you product led or market led? ¢ Should your activities be for the benefit of your own business, the customer, or the market? ¢ Which side should you be working on: changing capabilities or influencing needs? ¢ Should fmcg marketers be more concerned with the right side, and B2B marketers with the left? ¢ Is it market needs or consumer needs? The concept of the market chain ¢ Is profitability the automatic consequence of a good match? ¢ How far ahead must you be looking? ¢ In search of ˜good marketing` ¢ Good marketing and reading the signals ¢ Good marketing and providing value ¢ Going beyond ˜good marketing` ¢ Consumer, business to business, or service? ¢ The marketing process ¢ The marketing plan ¢ The market audit: information and analysis ¢ The sanity check ¢ Implementation and review ¢ The ˜three-stage` process ¢ Writing the marketing plan ¢ Why write a plan? ¢ The planning cascade ¢ The planning horizon ¢ The template ¢ Ten tips on writing the marketing plan ¢ PART II - THE STRATEGIC MARKET AUDIT ¢ Market research ¢ Research and decisions ¢ Types of research ¢ Focusing your data needs ¢ Commissioning your own research ¢ Act of faith? ¢ Chakravati`s piano, or, why you need market research... The strategic audit ¢ Analytical tools and decisions ¢ PESTLE analysis ¢ Market mapping ¢ Michael Porter`s ˜five forces` analysis ¢ The SWOT analysis ¢ The Directional Policy Matrix (DPM) ¢ The CONNECT Inc case study ¢ The company background ¢ Sales organization ¢ The new market ¢ The new sales team ¢ The ˜unknown` market ¢ Targets and forecasts ¢ The business in 1992 ¢ The marketing review ¢ Case study questions ¢ PART III - STRATEGIC POSITIONING Vision and objectives ¢ Managing the future ¢ Vision: the mission statement ¢ Marketing objectives ¢ The financial imperatives ¢ How will we grow? The Ansoff matrix and risk ¢ Gap analysis ¢ How will we compete? ¢ Porter`s choices ¢ What will drive us? ¢ Value drivers ¢ Push or pull strategies ¢ Asset management ¢ Summary ¢ Who will we serve?: ¢ Segmentation ¢ Why segment? The strategic options ¢ Benefits of segmentation ¢ The segmentation process ¢ Step 1: Identifying the criteria for segmentation ¢ Step 2: Targeting - the selection of segments ¢ Step 3: Positioning ¢ Segmentation and market research ¢ Branding ¢ Brand architecture: putting it all together ¢ Brand positioning: a place in mind ¢ Valuing the brand ¢ PART IV - DELIVERING THE VALUE ¢ The segment audit ¢ Delivering the value ¢ Defining value ¢ Segment audit tools ¢ Value chain analysis ¢ The total business experience ¢ Shared future analysis ¢ The value proposition ¢ Making a positive impact ¢ Some hints on using the process ¢ Relationship management ¢ The market-focused structure ¢ Key account management (KAM) ¢ Customer classification and distinction ¢ Customer service ¢ Customer relationship management (CRM) ¢ Brand management ¢ The history of delivering value ¢ The brand relationship ¢ Building positive associations: moments of truth ¢ Brand extension ¢ The learning brand ¢ Functional alignment ¢ The supply chain ¢ The capability audit ¢ Portfolio management ¢ The challenge ¢ The Boston Box ¢ The Directional Policy Matrix ¢ PART V - THE TACTICAL MIX ¢ The tactical audit ¢ Customer satisfaction surveys ¢ Tracking of promotional spend effectiveness ¢ The four P`s... or the four C`s? ¢ Product ¢ The commodity ¢ Added value ¢ Product life cycles ¢ Place Channels of supply ¢ Channel management ¢ Logistics and supply chain management ¢ Marketing and sales ¢ Promotion ¢ The purpose of promotion ¢ The campaign and the communication ¢ The effective communication ¢ The choice of media: pros and cons ¢ Selecting and briefing an agency ¢ Price ¢ Why price matters ¢ Setting the price: four generic methods ¢ Competitive pricing strategies ¢ Open book trading ¢ A pricing self-assessment ¢ The Ambient Ltd case study ¢ PART VI - MAKING IT HAPPEN ¢ The marketing health check ¢ Getting further help ¢ Application tools ¢ Training opportunities ¢ On-the-job experience ¢ Further reading ¢ Index

About the Author: Peter Cheverton is a director of INSIGHT Marketing and People, now established as the leading international training and consultancy firm in Key and Global Account Management implementation. He is also the author of Global Account Management, Key Account Management, Key Account Management in Financial Services and Understanding Brands, all published by Kogan Page. For more information, visit Peter Cheverton`s website at www.insightmp.com

Target Audience: Students of marketing
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175545458

Pages : 398
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