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  Lived Islam in South Asia: Adaptation, Accommodation and Conflict(HB)

Lived Islam In South Asia: Adaptation, Accommodation And Conflict(Hb)

by Imtiaz Ahmad And Helmut Reifeld

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 590.75
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  Lived Islam in South Asia: Adaptation, Accommodation and Conflict is an extremely timely and important publication. Fourteen interesting papers, based on intensive fieldwork in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and India, explore a highly controversial subject. They touch on the everyday religious lives of the Muslims in these countries. The book argues that Islam cannot be understood through the works of theologians alone, for whom it is a formal, uniform and rigid system of beliefs and practices. Popular Islam, or Islam as it is practised by millions of Muslims in South Asia, has an empirical validity and is a dynamic process of adjustment and accommodation as well as conflict with other religions, with which it coexists.

ISBN :9788187358152

Pages : 334
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