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  Pocket Investor : The Essentials of the World of Investment from A to Z

Pocket Investor : The Essentials Of The World Of Investment From A To Z

by Philip Ryland

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.00
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  This pocket series brings the clarity for which The Economist is famous to the complex subjects that those in business, finance or the professions need to understand.

Designed to be easy to dip into, full of hard facts and insight, and liberally spiced with irreverence, the books are intended to amuse and entertain as well as inform.

The investment world continues to become more sophisticated by the day as new products are created, new and faster ways of selling them are established, and trading levels grow steadily. Pocket Investor is a clear and lively guide to the complexities and jargon of the investment business. It contains

¢ Concise essays on the returns you can expect from the market and whether excessive returns are there for the taking, on lessons from some investment masters, on investment dreams and reality and on building a portfolio.

¢ An A-Z of key terms and concepts from Arbitrage pricing theory through Fibonacci numbers and Japanese candlesticks to Zero coupon bonds.

¢ Wide ranging appendices including the performance of different stock markets over time, bond returns, leading equity markets, investment formulas and recommended reading.
ISBN 9781861972552

Pages : 223
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