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  Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (Paperback), Second Edition

Security Analysis And Portfolio Management (Paperback), Second Edition

by Ambika Prasad Dash

  Price : Rs 545.00
  Your Price : Rs 463.25
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  Security Analysis and Portfolio Management endeavours to provide concepts, text and cases for a course on Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, which is widely taught in the business schools around the world. It is consciously planned to help students to acquire knowledge, develop analytical skills and gain insights pertaining to how a fund manager strikes winning strategies for investment by using time-tested, validated and proven techniques which ranges from fundamental analysis to mundane mathematical models. The book is divided in four broad parts. ¢ Part One describes the global investment scenario, major investment decisions, and the dynamics of the securities markets. ¢ Part Two deals with the critical aspects of risk and return culminating in Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). ¢ Part Three discusses the most important analysis in investment decisions, wherein good mathematical models are factored in and applied to live conditions through building up case analysis. ¢ Part Four deals with the exotic instruments of derivatives and its applications, where cutting-edge research around the globe is going on. The book is designed to meet the expectations of common investors as well as hard core professionals (fund managers) in putting the precious resources at risk for higher returns. New in this edition: The following chapters are added to make the book more result oriented, contemporary, focused and comprehensive. ¢ Dynamics of the Indian economy ¢ Fundamental Analysis: Valuation of companies ¢ Performance of mutual fund in India ¢ Sub-prime crisis and securitization ¢ Private equity.ISBN 9789380026107

Pages : 464
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