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  Dealing with Difficult People, Revised Edition

Dealing With Difficult People, Revised Edition

by Roy Lilley

  Price : Rs 160.00
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  problematic situations?

Dealing with Difficult People looks at individual behaviour, what drives it and how to cope with it. Roy Lilley covers every angle including:

¢ what conflict is and how to handle it

¢ coping with aggressive people

¢ motivating lazy colleagues

¢ dealing with difficult customers

¢ handling complaints

Packed with tips, hints and warnings of potential hazards, this book will help you to avoid the bad times, horrible situations and awkward issues and keep your cool.

Contents: About this book ¢ A short course in human relations ¢ Difficult, who me? ¢ A quick guide to the seven classically difficult types ” or how to sound like an expert in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee ¢ Recognise anyone? ¢ First the diagnosis ¢ A fast-track guide to conflict and how to handle it ¢ What conflict is ¢ Dealing with bosses who drive you barmy ¢ Mr Angry ¢ Never let them see you sweat ¢ Colleagues to throttle ¢ Competition crazy ¢ Rivals, antagonists and getting personal ¢ It`s always the quiet ones ¢ Staff to strangle ¢ Independent or stubborn? ¢ When the big hand gets to 12 ¢ Good bosses don`t pry ” but they should try ¢ Waving or drowning ¢ Finding out how good a boss you`ve been ¢ Seriously difficult members of staff ¢ Massaging the egoist ¢ If the difficulty is an egomaniac boss ¢ If the difficulty is an egoist working for you ¢ The egomaniac colleague ¢ Knocking the know-all ¢ Handling aggressive people without getting thumped on the nose ¢ If an aggressive manager is trying to dump on your ideas ¢ If you`re landed with a project that will never fly ¢ If you`re being stabbed in the back ¢ Putting a bomb under the lazy ones ¢ Clock-watchers, rule-bookers and not invented here ¢ If you are held back by an idle colleague ¢ A boss who loiters ¢ How you eat an elephant ¢ The criminally lazy ¢ Beating the bullies at their own game ¢ The decibel dictator ¢ When you can`t do anything right ¢ When all else fails ¢ The firework colleague ¢ Moaners, groaners and critics ¢ Cold water torture ¢ Try building alliances, coalitions and connections ¢ Words you don`t want to hear ¢ When critics turn the gun on themselves ¢ Perfectionists can be a pain ¢ What turns on a perfectionist ¢ Rules are rules ¢ The perfectionist boss ¢ Manipulating the manipulators ¢ If you`re being lined up to take the blame ¢ Let`s do a deal ¢ If you`re easily flattered ¢ If you`re flattered by your staff ¢ Shifting the stubborn ¢ When the customer knows best ¢ Morale, attitude and how was it for you? ¢ If you`re sick of the sick ¢ Everyone having a sickie ¢ Cliques, circles and witches` covens ¢ Fault-finders and nit-pickers ¢ If you have a nit-picker for a boss ¢ Nit-picking colleagues ¢ Gossip: a bush fire you can do without ¢ The answer to gossip problems ¢ Prevention is better than cure ¢ The customer is always right ” really? ¢ Dealing with difficult customers ¢ You want it when? ¢ Avoiding trouble ¢ The really, really, really, really difficult customer ¢ Remind them how good you are ¢ The screamer ¢ Screaming about service ¢ If a member of your staff blows a gasket ¢ When the screamer is the boss ¢ What`s winding them up ¢ Dealing with very rude people without being very rude ¢ Disguised rudeness ¢ Complaints: we love them ¢ Six steps to success ¢ e-difficult@yourplace ¢ Meetings, bloody meetings! ¢ Get tough and get into technology ¢ To meet or not to meet ¢ Meetings-r-us ¢ The five golden rules that make meetings productive ¢ If things don`t change they`ll stay the same ¢ There are four Cs in change ¢ Dealing with difficult people through a period of change ¢ Dealing with conflict: 10 steps to cooling it ¢ And, finally, finally... ¢ References ¢ Further reading

About the Authors: Roy Lilley is a writer, commentator and full-time international conference speaker on health, management and social issues. As a frequent broadcaster he contributes to the BBC`s Today programme and Newsnight amongst others, and also writes regularly for The Guardian, the Daily Telegraph and other newspapers.

Target Audience: General public
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749456603

Pages : 160
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