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  Preparing the Perfect Job Application, 4/e

Preparing The Perfect Job Application, 4/E

by Rebecca Corfield

  Price : Rs 125.00
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  Description: Preparing the Perfect Job Application is written for today`s candidate seeking success in an ever more competitive and unforgiving jobs market. Designed to help you highlight you real talents and demonstrate how they would be useful to your potential employer, the book brims with insightful advice on all the key topics, such as:

¢ understanding what employers are looking for;

¢ planning your application;

¢ getting across your skills and personality;

¢ presenting and filling in a form;

¢ writing letters of application;

¢ using the internet.

Career development expert Rebecca Corfield has established a system for job applications that will give you a good chance of being selected for interview. With guidelines, examples and a final checklist you should get it right first time.

Contents: Introduction ¢ The process of applying for jobs ¢ The changing world of work ¢ Why do we have application forms? ¢ What are employers looking for? ¢ How jobs are advertised ¢ Why applications fail ¢ The need to ˜sell yourself` ¢ How to approach the task ¢ Positive mental attitude ¢ What to put in your application ¢ The planning stage ¢ The preparation stage ¢ Completing the different sections ¢ Presentation ¢ Spelling ¢ Writing or typing? ¢ Using computers ¢ Improving your writing ¢ Style ¢ Layout ¢ Additional sheets of paper ¢ Some common problems ¢ Guidelines and examples ¢ Keeping records ¢ Follow-up ¢ Examples ¢ Letters of application ¢ Examples ¢ Letters with your application form ¢ How to get that job! ¢ Case studies ¢ Step-by-step checklist ¢ Application form blanks ¢ Using the internet ¢ Applying for jobs online ¢ Useful sites

About the Author: Rebecca Corfield is a consultant and trainer on career development, management and presentation issues. A former President of the National Institute of Career Guidance, in the United Kingdom, she advises individuals and companies on career issues and personal change. In demand as a conference speaker, trainer and coach, Rebecca is also the author of two other best-selling Kogan Page titles, Preparing the Perfect CV and Successful Interview Skills.

Target Audience: Job applicants
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175543867

Pages : 144
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