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  When Talking Makes Things WORSE!

When Talking Makes Things Worse!

by Dr. David Stiebel

  Price : Rs 675.00
  Your Price : Rs 675.00
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  Book Summary of When Talking Makes Things WORSE!
We all know that the key to working things out is communication.... right? People believe that if you lsiten and explain the problem openly, it will be solved. They are seduced by the Great Myth of Hidden Harmony: Deep down, we all agree; people jsut need to understand each other better.
When Talking Makes Things Worse! is the first popular book to explain what to do when understanding each other is not enough. It`s the first ot illustrate the true key to resolving a disagreement-strategy.
About Author :
Dr. David Stiebel (pronounced "Steeble") CBS, NBC, ABC News, National Publci Radio, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Associated Press, United Press International, and CNN have tapped him as an on -air analyst and correspondent. The press has called master of mediation"- a world-renowned negotiation adviser to corporate and government officials.
David Horsey The Nationally sysndicated award-winning editorial cartoonist and columnist has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Newsweeks, Business Week, and Fortune. His cartoons appear dialy in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Contents :
"What we`ve got here is a failure to communicate"
Don`t Just keep talking
The Great Myth of Hidden Harmony
Decide whether you have a misunderstanding or a true disagreement
Create the other person`s next move ISBN

Pages : 275
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