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  Objective Genetics, Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Forestry

Objective Genetics, Biotechnology, Biochemistry And Forestry

by Vijay K. Khanna

  Price : Rs 245.00
  Your Price : Rs 208.25
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  The present book has been designed to serve the students of Plant Breeding, Genetics, Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Forestry.
In most of the books, the objective type questions judge the students on the basis of their ability to memorize, because of the way they are formulated. It is important to be able to remember the year of historical events, the scientists involved and who named what to make one remember the landmark contributions of the people on a particular subject. Along with these kinds of questions, majority of the questions in this book have been designed to assess the candidate`s understanding of the subject. It is perhaps for the first time where questions have four to six choice statements, which are to be understood to find the right answer. One has to think and remember what he has learnt to be able to answer these questions.
There are some books on objective type questions on the subject of Plant Breeding and a very few on Genetics but there is hardly any book, which deals with Tissue Culture, Biotechnology, Biochemistry or Forestry. All these subjects are related as many postgraduate students of Genetics and Plant Breeding take Biotechnology as a minor subject whereas those of Biotechnology take Biochemistry or Genetics and Plant Breeding as a minor subject. Also, undergraduates in agricultural universities study courses on all these subjects including Forestry. ISBN 9788189866884

Pages : 484
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